POLYSTAR in MONO Why another drawing programme ? I wrote the Programme to enable me to have multi-pointed stars for DTP work. No other programme offered the facility. All the geometry required was worked out on my drawing board first, then converted to formulae which GFA BASIC could deal with. It started with STARS and just went on from there. It does not claim to be a complete drawing package; use it in conjunction with DEGAS ELITE or any other PRG which uses that format for its pics. One day I shall combine the MONO and COLOUR versions into one PRG..one day .. Feel free to copy this programme for your friends. It is not for sale and may not be used in any commercial enterprise without written permission. Public Domain Libraries may use the programme as part of their service whether or not a charge is made for copying and handling. The author makes no promise, so accepts no liability..simple as that. HOWEVER....Please let me know what you think of POLYSTAR I answer all correspondence, whether you have a bug report or just don't like some feature, or know of a potential improvement I shall be pleased to hear from you, especially if you write in English or a similar language such as that used in America. My thanks to those with whom I already correspond regarding prgs,ferrets,Thomas Bewick and computing in general. Special thanks to Han Kempen for his magnificent 'Second GFA BASIC Manual' without which I would be a nervous wreck. Thanks too, to my mother for buying me a compass about forty years ago. Last but not least, Pythagoras, without whom we should all be running around in circles. David J Fright BISHOPS STORTFORD 1993 _________________________________________________________________ HDR means Hold Down Right button HDL means Hold Down Left button LC means Press Left button once RC means press Right button once LC on a drawing tool will take you to the drawing screen To return to the menu screen RC The drawing tools all work in similar ways __________________________________________________________________ DRAW: HDL to draw,release button to move without drawing. The thickness of the drawing tool is determined by SIZE on the menu screen. This SIZE affects most of the functions. STAR: Move to where the centre of the star will be and LC. Move to where the outer edge will be and LC. Move to where the inner edge will be and LC. To abort the operation, RC. The star will be drawn with the number of POINTS shown on the menu screen. This number also applies to Petals. The number of POINTS is changed by LC on + or -. If RC is used, the number jumps by ten instead of one. PETALS: POLYGON : CIRCLE : ELLIPSE: Move to where the centre will be and LC. Move to where the outer edge will be and LC again. RC to abort. When drawing a Petal in SIZE 1 and you intend to FILL it - touch up the joins _ Pythagoras didn't have an ST ...The larger sizes are OK. Repeat as often as you like before returning to the menu page with RC The POLYGON will be drawn with the number of SIDES shown on the menu screen. BOX: Move to where a corner will be and LC then move to the diagonally opposite corner and LC again SPIRAL: Move to where the centre will be and LC. Move left or right, the distance required between lines and LC. Then every time you LC, another half circle will be drawn....HDL for Turbo action ! The direction of the spiral is determined by your first move, left or right...try one of each next to each other to see the effect CURVE: Move to where the curve is to start, LC. Move to where the curve is to end, LC. Move around until the curve is the right shape,LC. Note : If you use RC to abort, you will need to use the UNDO key to remove the start and end points. LINE: Move to where the line is to start,LC. Move to where the line is to end, LC. LINESTYLE: LC on a box to choose a linestyle. Current linestyle is shown at top right of the menu page. Note that dotted lines are not available in anything other than SIZE 1 LINE ENDS: The shape at the end of lines can be changed by LC for the beginning of the line and RC for the end of the line, it cycles through : arrow,round,square. RAYS: Move to where the rays will radiate from, LC . Wherever you now LC, a line will be drawn back to the central point. RC to end. FILL STYLE : LC on the required pattern to make that the current pattern COLOUR: To change colour, LC on the long narrow band which runs vertically down the left of the menu page SCREEN: VIEW: This will let you see the screen without selecting a tool. CENTRE: This will put a dot in the centre of the screen, useful for centralising a design. CLEAR: Clears the drawing screen after asking for confirmation. LOAD and SAVE : These bring up the file selector box and will handle DEGAS ELITE Uncompressed HI-RES pics. ZOOM: Move the box to the area to be magnified, LC. Use the colour bar to select the required colour and retouch the area. RC to end -----------------------------------------------------------------